Friday, September 11, 2009

I Take Pictures of Food

I take pictures of food. Food doesn't ever blink or get red eye when you use a flash. It doesn't complain when it's posed in a awkward position and can hold it for hours without complaining. Food doesn't worry if it looks fat or stand over your shoulder while you look at proofs nor does it ever ask you to photoshop away wrinkles and lines. A picture of food can make you a little happier with out adding calories. A picture of food can make you dream of a chic little dinner party that you may or may not have in the future. A picture of food reminds you of something your Mom may of cooked and you hope to recreate someday. It might make you smile if it's a good picture. I take pictures of food.

1 comment:

Melodie said...

I agree with everything said! I would love to see some of your favorites of the pics that you have taken.